Available on Rattling Good Yarns.com *
ISBN is 978-1-955826-47-1
207 pages
There aren’t many authors who, having left their teenage years decades ago, can write teen voices with any surety. Russell J Sanders is one. This book is peopled with characters, some of which are hopeful, some wary, some confused and others self-centered to the point of oblivion. Each stands alone, and yet Sanders weaves them like reeds in a wicker basket, each strand separate, yet woven together in tight bonds of unwavering strength and resilience. Some readers may wrinkle their furrowed brows in consternation and ask, where is this story going, and what is it ultimately about? I did, and in the end the answer is simple. This is a tale of love over hatred, patience over haste, the enduring love of parents, and finally the exuberance, and the exhilaration of newly minted young love.
And that is why I recommend this book. * An Angry God will be available soon on Amazon and other online sites. I will update this posting when that happens.