Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Sins of Another by Jessica Skye Davies


            Paperback: 216 pages
            Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (April 29, 2013)
            Language: English
            ISBN-10: 1623804701
            ISBN-13: 978-1623804701

Padrig Kennedy returns home from a holiday with friends, to find his partner in bed with another man. It's a story as old as boy meets boy. Devastated, Pad, as he is known to his friends, flees the scene and straight into the grasp of a truly evil man, who through a combination of drugs and coercion, remakes Padrig from a regular guy into a for profit cum-dump for anyone willing to pay. Prostitution is too genteel a word for what Pad endures at the hands of his captors.

Rudyard Kipling wrote that the sins we do two-by-two, we pay for, one by one. Of course this suggests some sort of Divine interference, which, in Sins of Another, shows up in the person of a mysterious benefactor. As if by magic, Pad is rescued from his hellish existence (one could hardly call it a life) only to find that he is infected with HIV. This is not surprising considering his months of sexual captivity. So far, the story beats a well-worn path, until Pad finds life is indeed, worth living.

In Sins of Another, Jessica Skye Davies takes on faith—faith in one's self; hope, that in the face of loss and devastation, all need not be forsaken; love, the love that passes between men, transcending the carnal; and choices. It is in Pad's choosing love freely offered, hope for a better tomorrow, and faith that he will one day be whole again that draws him to be, at last, at peace.

One need not to have lived promiscuously, either by chance or choice, nor suffer the ravages of HIV/AIDS, nor be betrayed by a loved one to relate, on at least some level, to the human impulse to live, to love and to survive.

For me the overarching theme in Sins of Another surfaces near the story's closing; quietly, yet powerfully in these lines, 'No matter what obstacles you must confront in life, you can overcome them. Those that cannot be overcome can be managed. Everyone has that sort of strength…'

Where to buy SINS of ANOTHER
https://www.amazon.com/Sins-Another-Jessica-Skye Davies/dp/1623804701/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

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